June 20, 2018

ESXi 6.0 Upgrade Failed on Dell

ESXi 6.0 Upgrade on Dell R810 Fails

when we upgrading  ESXi version from 5.5 to 6.0 in a Dell R810 , upgrade was field and we got below error message.

heckTestFailDeprecatedVMFSVersion.fullFormat (
XXX com.vmware.vcIntegrity.HostUpgradePrecheckTestFailDeprecatedVMFSVersion.category not found XXX

after some digging we noticed that error has "com.vmware.vcIntegrity.HostUpgradePrecheckTestFailDeprecatedVMFSVersion.category not found" ,   so we checked the VMFS version of the local attched storage of the Dell server and found out it was in the version 3.46

 Then we upgrade the version to 5.60

issue is gone.. 

server upgraded successfully to 6.0 U3. 

Export Esxi Host list with there IPs in a Data Center

This Command will help you to Export list of Esxi servers in a Data Center with there management IPs .

First connect to the Data Center , and execute below command.

Get-VMHost  | Select Name,@{N="IP Address";E={($_.ExtensionData.Config.Network.Vnic | ? {$_.Device -eq "vmk0"}).Spec.Ip.IpAddress}} | export-csv -NoTypeInformation .\file.csv

June 2, 2018

The interface is unknown / The System Event Notification Service service failed the logon.

customer informed server is in accessible via RDP and not responding to the ICMP,
how ever VM is accessible from the console , and it's a 2008R2 server gives below error when login to the console,

The System Event Notification Service service failed the logon.
The interface is unknown


first thing we noticed VM tools showing as Running(Not Installed) - it's seems this is common when VM tools corrupted or Open VM tools installed on the server


so we go ahead and re install correct VM tools and it fixed the issue . 

Uninstalling Java: Error 1723

Uninstalling Java: Error 1723

I was getting an error while uninstalling OLD version of Java, it's listed in the
Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features 

but when i try to uninstall it gives below error ,  I try reinstalling the same Java version - same error


when I google it I found some blog and it's mentioned to remove some windows registry folder as the fix, but in my case no registry folder found as the Java..

so finally I found a Microsoft application which allows to rectify the issue.  


Run the program 


select the issue with uninstalling 


select the program from the list 


and it will try to resolve the issue