January 12, 2016

X500 - addresses in Exchange 2010 // Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:

 X500 - addresses in Exchange 2010 // Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:

when you need to remove existing email address , but you need to get the mails which are been send to that address,  you can add OLD address as an SMTP address of the mail box which you need to get mails..

but it will keep failing after you delete OLD email entry..  that's ware X500 came handy..

first before delete the mail group - go to AD and find group -> attributes -> legacyExchangeDN

copy that field..

somthing like

then go to new mail box/group you need to add OLD entry instead of  SMTP add custom address
copy  legacyExchangeDN to the E-mail address and E-mail type as X500..

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