October 13, 2018

Get Virtual Machines provisioned Disk size for a list of VMs

Below is a script to get VM provisioned Disk size from list of VMs in a .txt file

you will be getting Total provisioned Disk size for each VM in the list and output will be save to a CSV file 

#Get Virtual Machines Disk size for a list
$vmList = Get-Content D:\temp\inputFile.txt
$results= foreach ($vmName in $vmList) {Get-VM $vmName | Select-Object Name,@{n="HardDiskSizeGB"; e={(Get-HardDisk -VM $_ | Measure-Object -Sum CapacityGB).Sum}}}
$results | Export-Csv "D:\temp\file.csv" 

Redirecting to a CSV file
| Export-Csv "D:\temp\file.csv

Invoke lines from a text file to Power CLI
$vmList = Get-Content D:\temp\inputFile.txt

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