December 17, 2018

VMware Logs 2

ESXi Host Logs

2VMkernel warnings/var/log/vmkwarning.logRecords activities related to virtual machines
3VMkernel summary/var/log/vmksummary.logUsed to determine uptime and availability statistics for ESXi (comma separated)
4ESXi host agent log/var/log/hostd.logContains information about the agent that manages and configures the ESXi host and its virtual machines
5vCenter agent log/var/log/vpxa.logContains information about the agent that communicates with vCenter Server (if the host is managed by vCenter Server)
6Shell log/var/log/shell.logESXi Shell as well as shell events (for example, when the shell was enabled)
7Authentication/var/log/auth.logContains all events related to authentication for the local system
8System messages/var/log/syslog.logContains all general log messages and can be used for troubleshooting. This information was formerly located in the messages log file
9Virtual machinesThe same directory as the affected virtual machine’s configuration files, named vmware.log and vmware*.log. For example, /vmfs/volumes/datastore/virtual machine/vwmare.logContains virtual machine power events, system failure information, tools status and activity, time sync, virtual hardware changes, vMotion migrations, machine clones, and so on

The VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.x logs are located in the /var/log/vmware/

vCenter Server Appliance Log LocationPurpose
10vpxd/vpxd.logThe main vCenter Serverlog
11vpxd/vpxd-profiler.logProfile metrics for operations performed in vCenter Server
12vpxd/vpxd-alert.logNon-fatal information logged about the vpxd process
13perfcharts/stats.logVMware Performance Charts
14eam/eam.logVMware ESX Agent Manager
15invsvcVMware Inventory Service
16netdumperVMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector
17vapiVMware vAPI Endpoint
18vmdirdVMware Directory Service daemon
19syslogvSphere Syslog Collector
20vmware-sps/sps.logVMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service
21vpostgresvFabric Postgres database service
22vsphere-clientVMware vSphere Web Client
23vwsVMware System and Hardware Health Manager
24workflowVMware vCenter Workflow Manager
25SSOVMware Single Sign-On

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