April 20, 2020

File system /storage/seat is low on database storage space.

VCSA 6.7 error related to disk space  

VMware has this KB with the steps to increase the Disk on the VCSA



below the same steps for your convenience, 

  • when we checked the VAMI interface we saw below error
File system /storage/seat is low on database storage space.
Increase the size of disk /storage/seat or decrease the data retention.

when we checked the VCSA /storage/seat reached 98%, which caused vpxd services to stop by the design to prevent further data corruption.

root@vcsa001 [ ~ ]# df -h
Filesystem                Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                 7.9G   0 7.9G  0% /dev
tmpfs                   7.9G 932K 7.9G  1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                   7.9G 680K 7.9G  1% /run
tmpfs                   7.9G   0 7.9G  0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda3                 11G 6.4G 3.8G 63% /
tmpfs                   7.9G 1.5M 7.9G  1% /tmp
/dev/mapper/netdump_vg-netdump      985M 1.3M 916M  1% /storage/netdump
/dev/mapper/imagebuilder_vg-imagebuilder 9.8G  23M 9.2G  1% /storage/imagebuilder
/dev/mapper/db_vg-db           9.8G 493M 8.8G  6% /storage/db
/dev/mapper/autodeploy_vg-autodeploy   9.8G  23M 9.2G  1% /storage/autodeploy
/dev/mapper/archive_vg-archive       50G  47G  15M 100% /storage/archive
/dev/mapper/dblog_vg-dblog         15G 9.3G 4.7G 67% /storage/dblog
/dev/sda1                 120M  34M  78M 31% /boot
/dev/mapper/seat_vg-seat          25G  23G 500M 98% /storage/seat
/dev/mapper/core_vg-core          50G 2.4G  45G  6% /storage/core
/dev/mapper/log_vg-log          9.8G 3.6G 5.7G 39% /storage/log
/dev/mapper/updatemgr_vg-updatemgr     99G 1001M  93G  2% /storage/updatemgr


  • identify the disk -
df -h
/dev/mapper/seat_vg-seat          25G  23G 500M 98% /storage/seat

sdh               8:112 0  25G 0 disk
└─seat_vg-seat         252:8  0  25G 0 lvm /storage/seat

[2:0:8:0]  disk  VMware  Virtual disk   1.0  /dev/sdh

  • increased the disk space by 15GB
  • used /usr/lib/applmgmt/support/scripts/autogrow.sh to grow the file system

  • restart the appliance and confirm vCenter is working

autogrow.sh makes things really easy with VCSA 6.7 disk expansion 

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