- https://interopmatrix.vmware.com/Upgrade?productId=671
First I recommend to enable SSH for the appliance, which will make your life easy
chkconfig sshd on
service sshd start
Upload the ISO to a Data store and mount the CD to the vSphere replication appliance VM and enable option to mount the ISO at power ON
Then select Use CD-Rom for upgrade
If the setup stuck at "checking for available update" , follow the below - https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/58193
check the available update and click "install update"
Once done login to the console and reset the admin password - This is mandatory top access via VAMI and ssh.
login to the VAMI page with admin credentials and you will noticed below error -- this is due to a know issue
ssh to appliance and use below commands -
cd /var/log/vmware/vrmsdb
chmod 777 postgresql.log
/opt/vmware/hms/bin/hms-configtool -cmd upgrade -configfile /opt/vmware/hms/conf/hms-configuration.xml <- this will fail
once done Restart the appliance and reconfigure with SS.
Finally , you need to increase the hard disks - https://docs.vmware.com/en/vSphere-Replication/8.4/com.vmware.vsphere.replication-admin.doc/GUID-540F161E-6196-4E48-BBC7-0440F01F1242.html