January 3, 2022

Upgrade vSphere Replication 8.3 to 8.5 - A Complete Guide.

First make sure you have download the compatible ISO, This is critical, I have include all the steps with every possible issue ..
  • https://interopmatrix.vmware.com/Upgrade?productId=671


First I recommend to enable SSH for the appliance, which will make your life easy


chkconfig sshd on

service sshd start


Upload the ISO to a Data store and mount the CD to the vSphere replication appliance VM and enable option to mount the ISO at power ON


Then select Use CD-Rom for upgrade

If the setup stuck at "checking for available update" , follow the below - https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/58193

1. Connect to vsphere replication appliance via SSH.
Stop the vami-sfcb service -
/etc/init.d/vami-sfcb stop
2. Back up the provider-runtime.xml file - 
cp /opt/vmware/var/lib/vami/update/provider/provider-runtime.xml ~/provider-runtime.xml.bck
3. Build a new provider-runtime.xml file - 
echo -e '<service>\n <properties />\n</service>' > /opt/vmware/var/lib/vami/update/provider/provider-runtime.xml
4. Start the vami-sfcb service - 
/etc/init.d/vami-sfcb start
Connect to the VAMI page of vSphere replication and confirm if issue is resolved

check the available update and click "install update"


Once done login to the console and reset the admin password - This is mandatory top access via VAMI and ssh.

login to the VAMI page with admin credentials  and you will noticed below error -- this is due to a know issue 


ssh to appliance and use below commands -

cd /var/log/vmware/vrmsdb

chmod 777 postgresql.log

/opt/vmware/hms/bin/hms-configtool -cmd upgrade -configfile /opt/vmware/hms/conf/hms-configuration.xml <- this will fail


once done Restart the appliance and reconfigure with SS. 


Finally , you need to increase the hard disks - https://docs.vmware.com/en/vSphere-Replication/8.4/com.vmware.vsphere.replication-admin.doc/GUID-540F161E-6196-4E48-BBC7-0440F01F1242.html

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